would Seem, in the winter the skin not so sweats, and necessity for cleanings disappears. No! During a cold time of year as never, our person demands массажирующих скрабов, the soft peelings, pulling together films and liquid скаток. And nbsp;
There is one more reason вымораживания and skin dehydration on a cold is... Creams. Women do not know, that in the winter they should use exclusively nutritious creams, instead of humidifying though the last smooth wrinkles is better. Besides, they forget or have not time to adhere in morning haste to a gold rule for a cold time of year: to grease the person not later, than 20 minutes prior to an exit on street. Now fat is necessary for a skin. But after all and vitamins yes mineral substances are necessary too! If there is no possibility to get the present nutritious cream or to order such in a beauty salon, the expert advises напитывать a skin the swept away masks. It is possible to do them, though every evening. Rub on a small grater a root of parsley or a fresh pumpkin and mix with sour cream. As usually, in 20 minutes смойте warm boiled water. It is especially good to struggle such procedures with bruises and hypostases under eyes. Скрабы and peelings also it is possible to prepare in house conditions. For example, for a fat skin the egg shell ground in a coffee grinder, and for dry — crushed овсяные flakes will approach. Cosmeticians recommend to do mechanical cleaning not more often once a week, and even time in ten days as the skin thus receives strong influence and can answer with red stains and burning.
take on arms some recipes
the Cottage cheese mask : Teaspoon of the rice processed in a coffee grinder, two table spoons of cottage cheese and olive oil half-teaspoon.
a honey cleaner : two table spoons of the honey kindled on a water bath, juice половинки a lemon and a table spoon of wheaten bran. Egg a peeling-mask for any type of a skin: a half-teaspoon of the egg shell ground in a coffee grinder, an egg yolk, a sour cream teaspoon.
a carrot mask : polished big juicy carrots, a floor of a teaspoon ground овсяных flakes. Well helps before a dream when the make-up is washed off: to wash broth of grasses (it is desirable camomiles, материнки), not washing to smear the person a suitable cream for a skin, and having impregnated a napkin warm broth to put on 20 mines on the person. To wash without soap cool water.
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воскресенье, 16 января 2011 г.
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