Blondes with light eyes will accept the liner or a pencil of greenish bronze. With it it will be successful to be combined bright lipstick of dark red, claret, crimson colours with metal shine.
Brunettes will be especially effective with the nacreous or dark blue, violet shades completely covering an eyelid; подводка should be with brilliant parts and dark blue or violet-sulphur ink. Eyelashes if they are tinted by silvery ink will be beautiful.
For red-haired the slivovo-violet scale very well will approach. Experiment with paints and choose that shade which will strengthen colour of your eyes. Dark tone put at eyelashes, more light - under eyebrows. But remember: such make-up should not be too sated, differently it looks vulgarly.
Lips underline is gentle-lilac lipstick. The make-up, not looking at type of a skin and age of the woman should be bright, but accurate, therefore, is better to be reserved by waterproof cosmetics. On dark circles put the proof-reader on half-tone is more light the general tone of the person. Do not forget about a voice-frequency cream, it not only corrects skin lacks, but also gives it light, it is ideal, if it waterproof, on tone is more light your colour of a skin.
To a New Year's make-up it is possible to add both pastes, and false eyelashes. Gold or silver powder on cheekbones and shoulders is very beautifully looked. Necessarily accurately issue eyebrows. To achieve a correct line of eyebrows, arm with a brush, a pencil and gel. If негусты, it is possible to put eyebrows on them of a few eye shadow of dark shades. On a New Year's party means of a make-up with nacre will perfectly approach, powder it is better to have the ball.
Remember, all means of a make-up, a brush, a brush – are individual. There is nothing worse, than in a hurry подпудриваться another's powder over the ideal make-up. In general, creating a celebratory make-up, it is necessary to place accents correctly: to underline either lips, or eyes. Consider, that bright lips do an image more issued, elegant, but coldish. And brightly brought eyes - are softer, незавершенней, but is more sexual.
Spirits for underlining of your image should be very little, it can be "east" aromas, if you the brunette, "cold" - if you the blonde, and "flower" - if you the red beauty.
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