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вторник, 11 января 2011 г.

Diets for love


To raise the sexual possibilities it is possible with the help опреденной diets.

In food it is recommended to use more vegetables, fruit, greens and as to drink grassy teas (with a jasmin, the confidential recipes, raising a potentiality at men exist an arnica).У the different people. For example, Chineses offer the following recipe: in 0, 5 l of water to boil 100 г squids, 100 г pork, 50 г garlic and 100 г tomatoes. To accept it is recommended once a day in a current of 13 days. In Ukraine the dish from celery roots is popular. The root is cleared, cut, cooks and extinguished in an oil and flour small amount on a frying pan, after the chicken yolk and a nutmeg is added. It is used in a hot kind.

In many dishes cognac and red wine for hormonal balance of the man are added, but it is not necessary to forget, that the superfluous use of alcohol negatively affects a potentiality.

Our ancestors as to us have left erotic recipes in which often applied a walnut. For example, such recipe: 200 г a dry fig, 200г dry prunes, 200 г raisin and a kernel of 12 walnuts. All to mix and accept daily on two table spoons with honey, washing down with milk.

Fortunately, women have small secrets on increase либидо:

Slavic sorcerers offered the following recipe: porridge and oat flour (1 part) to fill in with water (3 parts) on pair hours. To filter a liquid, groats to process (or through a meat grinder). To add in a liquid salt, groats processed, a celery and fennel greens. It is possible to add also an apricot or a peach, melon slices.

For strengthening of desires women are recommended to drink daily свежевыжатые lemon and carrots juice.

For the women, wishing to seduce once and for all, there is a recipe of "a bewitching potion»: to mix a glass of dry wine with a teaspoon of the crushed dry leaves of a raspberry, a currant, a camomile, душицы and mints and to warm up on a water bath to 40 degrees. To insist days, to filter and drink before love appointment.

The majority of the components used for preparation of "love" dishes, spices make. Связанно it that the majority of them is contained by the essence strengthening an inclination.

Important point is the condition - try to have breakfast, dinner and supper together. It will make you more close.

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