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вторник, 11 января 2011 г.

Sex after sorts


Quite often women, after end of pregnancy and sorts, catch themselves on thought, that somehow it would not be desirable sex.

  It leads to conflicts, and mutual understanding leaves a family. So in what the event reason? Certainly, we will not forget, that at young mum the hormonal background, also at it the new period in a life - full of responsibility and недосыпания varies. The question Here emerges: and whether there was a love or whether it has remained now to the spouse? Sex, of course, plays big, but not a main role in relations. As, all the same, its development, periodic deterioration depends on love with the subsequent revival. Therefore to hurry up it is not necessary and furthermore to be angry with itself or on the spouse. It is better to be engaged in education of the kid, strengthening of relations and to be more sensitive in relation to each other. And here to wait at once for rough nights it is not necessary, all will be, but not at once. It is better not to do tragedy of the given situation, and to apprehend it as a reality at the given stage of a life. The behaviour show the love to the spouse, he by all means will understand in the meantime, that changes occurring to you временны. Only together you can overcome all complexities.


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