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понедельник, 10 января 2011 г.

Гламур for the sake of a life

It is published the Volunteer from Kiev in ср, 13/08/2008 - 11:37

Rescue the child, not be indifferent

12.08.08 On the Donor left article about Вите. News are unfavourable. Parents do not have also money on лечени, but the most important thing. At Вити very decadent mood. There are no forces to struggle with illness.

Here article and still the reference to it:

"At Вити affairs are absolutely bad. Mum Olja asks prays and support. Especially moral. Having passed типирование in Peter, it became clear, that Вите the unrelated donor for transplantation is necessary. The Petersburg clinic has offered the services in transplantation. A hitch at once in several things. First precisely it is not known, whether will make unrelated change in Russia, very much I ask will respond volunteers expert in given area and representatives of welfare funds! Secondly more plainly it is not known, in unrelated transplantation how many will manage. Doctors adjust mother for the sum about 100 000 euros. (!!!) at a family of such money is not present. We sent documents Вити in the Italian clinic, but they do not take it on free treatment as to the young man in couple of months 18 years will knock. For money - please. The account mum too did not see. On words - all very approximately and not clearly …

In - the third, at Вити very decadent moods. He does not allow itself to place on TV where - that was still. A unique exception - a site the Donor. It at home, lays silently for days on end, very indifferently concerns tortures of parents to pull out it from a bowl into which it was hammered. As - that mum has told: «Витя if we do not shout about our trouble everywhere where only it is possible we can not leave on treatment», Витя has answered «anybody Means will not go anywhere». The guy has completely lost belief that to it will be possible to recover that it is necessary to someone (including to the God), that there will be means for its treatment.

Time meanwhile leaves. As sand through fingers … Such impression, that Витя would want somewhat quicker «that all at last has ended …» At it already pains begin, lives from transfusion to transfusion. Without change at it chances unequivocally are not present. On transplantation there is nothing: neither money, nor forces at the despaired parents desire most Вити. Very much I ask prayful support for mum Olga and for ill adolescent Victor.

Bodies of mum Oli: +38050 4935085 "

http://www. donor. org. ua/index. php? module=arnews& act=show& c=12& id=2807

6.08.08 Here beautiful new photo Вити, where it on final evening. He very much wished to get on it, therefore has overcome illness and was that evening with the friends-schoolmates:


It is published Christina, Donetsk, ДМУ in пт, 05/09/2008 - 18:04

Today in University saw the girl in such экстримально to a short skirt (really an ass floor it is visible), that at me even minutes 10 was a cultural shock. Poor guys - such show during session, what there already study....

It is interesting to me to learn opinion of men how the sexual woman (I have in view of clothes) looks and where there is a line between sexuality and vulgarity?


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