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вторник, 4 января 2011 г.

The Heading «To be model – with FACE. RU»

female magazine Beautiful faces in an aura of flashes of the cameras, a flowing like water champagne, infinitely long limousines, the closed parties, podiums, smart dresses, star friends and admirers, photos in glossy magazines. It is possible to draw in contemptiously lips, venomously to respond about «all it гламуре», haughtily to reject - but it is necessary to admit, that all of us attracts and bewitches this far glossy world. What girl did not dream to become in the childhood model?

At whom this dream has not ended with teenage age and has poured out in the validity, perfectly know, that the model life consists not only and not so much of snow-white limousines, design clothes and footwear, flights by the first class, expensive hotels in the best cities of the world, sparkling glasses and parties. But for some reason seldom regret about the choice and, having compressed a teeth and hiding tears, self-denyingly continue to go to the success. They do not aspire to deny stereotypes about nonsense and levity of models, about "dirt" of modelling business - they simply do not have on it time.

How the life and work in «beautiful business» actually is arranged? Let's ask about it its direct participants registered on FACE. ru - the social network first in Russia for professionals of "beautiful business» FACE. RU. This project unites consumers and manufacturers of the world гламура and luster, but also is opened and for the spectators, dreaming to glance for side scenes of fashionable displays and to appear on sets of photosessions. In FACE. RU get acquainted, communicate and create joint projects of model, photographers, stylists, visagistes, journalists, pr-experts, producers and brands-managers. The project already has had time to draw attention of stars - to tell enough, that its muse is the most known TV presenter Ooze Канделаки. Owing to the interactivity the project opens much more possibilities for an embodiment of creative potential of participants, eliminates geographical and social barriers, creates a platform for an exchange of ideas. For those who does not sit in expectation of sudden success, and prefers to operate actively, FACE. RU offers accessible and effective tools for independent advancement of the talent.

to Get to this world really - wish to know as?

Then open our new heading «To be model - with Face. ru» in which you learn all secrets and secrets of the world of beauty...

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