Recognized New York designer Nicole Miller (Nicole Miller) has sewed a dress for new video of young singer Elektry which acted in film on a Shakespearean plot "Romeo and Juliette". Электра has got acquainted with the fashion designer in New York where worked over creation of a new musical track for the second album which release is planned for December 2008г. Электра: " At me never was its dresses in clothes, but hardly having looked that it does, I have simply fallen in love. It is difficult to me to tell, why such known person as it, has suddenly suggested to become the stylist of my new video, probably, the immortal plot about fine love of two teenagers touches many people in the world. Result of its work - fine a scarlet dress with an embroidery a gold thread which has been created for знаметитой Juliette's scenes on a balcony of house Капулетти. "The premiere of new video will take place in September of this year where spectators can see Электру in a new image. Dresses Nicole Miller are popular among the most well-known stars - its clothes actresses Dzhennifer Eniston buy, Juliette Lewis, Хилари Дафф, a star" Sex in the big city "Ким Кэтралл and many other things.
= "http://www. prelest. com/files/imagecache/cosm_full/3/article_gallery/electra. jpg" rel = "lightbox [field_im_gallery] [Электра in the dress from Nicole Miller
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